North Launceston White City Little Athletics Centre Inc is one of 3 Little Athletics Centres in Launceston. It caters for the Northern suburbs, and the East Tamar as far as George Town. We are based at Rocherlea Football Ground and have a membership of around 130 male and female athletes of all abilities ranging in age from Tiny Tots (3yrs) to U15. In addition we have our dedicated parents, guardians, grandparents, etc without whom athletics would not happen each week. NL – WCLAC consists of three clubs, these being; Mowbray, Rocherlea and George Town. Each club offers training sessions and some specific club activities. NL – WCLAC conduct a number of athletic events including but not limited to sprints, middle and long distance track events, race walking, hurdles, vortex, turbo javelin, javelin, discus, shot put, long jump, triple jump, high jump and skills development. In addition we provide activities for younger siblings, including a Tiny Tot program. The events offered are age appropriate and divided over 3 separate programs. Weekly meetings are offered from October to March mainly on Saturday mornings commencing at 9am, and twilight meetings are scheduled on Thursday or Friday evenings and will commence at 5pm. The season finishes with Club Championships offered over the last two meetings and the State Individual Championships in March. We take pride in our reputation as being a family friendly, supportive athletics Centre and encourgage our athletes to focus on fun and improving their own performances and not winning. We are an excellent Summer sport, daylight savings means we can take advantage of the daylight and have twilight meetings, freeing up your weekend! We can assist greatly in maintaining your childrens fitness levels ensuring they are ready to go when winter sports start back up!
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9 Dec 2020 by Prue leslie
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